We all have an inner critic that undermines ourself and others. However, this critic has no power once it’s been correctly identified and re-focused using simple, yet effective meditation techniques.
During this retreat, Gen Chokyi will explore recognizing our inner critic without identifying as the critic, seeing how we can transform the challenges that come from our inner critic and ultimately how we can release ourselves skillfully from this negative narrative and cultivate a positive attitude towards ourself and others.
What to expect? Gentle guided meditations, short teachings as well as Q&A in the last session. Everyone can benefit from this retreat — you don't have to be Buddhist to participate.
$25/ $20 for students & seniors
$40/30days [first time members]
10:00 - 11:15am — Session 1
11:45am - 12:30pm — Session 2
This retreat will be using the book How to Transform Your Life by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. It's not required to have this book, but some people like to have them on hand during the event or read more afterward. You can purchase books in our Bookstore & Shop.
What to Expect
2 sessions with 30min break
> calming guided meditations
> short talks to inspire
> guided meditations to transform
> in person only
Register or Drop In
> No experience necessary and everyone is welcome
> Cushy chairs and cushions
Letting Go of the Inner Critic:
How to Cultivate Positive Narratives retreat
SAT Mar 29 | 10am - 1pm
with Fred May, Kadampa Teacher via Zoom ​

As a student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Gen Kelsang Chokyi has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism for 21 years and is an ordained American Buddhist nun. She is the Resident Teacher at KMC Bloomington and KMC Indianapolis. With joy, wisdom, and experience, she shows how everyone can easily integrate Buddha’s teachings into daily life.
Previously, she served as Resident Teacher for Serlingpa Meditation Center in New Bedford, MA, Kadampa Meditation Center San Diego, and Atisha Kadampa Buddhist Center in Providence, RI.